Ever Been Stereotyped ?????

Doesn't it make you angry when people assume things about you ??? It used to make me really mad.... And I could never understand why they said the things that they did.... For instance I was traveling in the train with my mom and we bumped into one of my father's colleagues in the ladies compartment. I had just passed my 10th grade and was enjoying college life..... This lady spoke to my mom for a bit and then asked me where I had managed to get admission for 11th? When I said "Kelkar college", she immediately asked me "Commerce?". And I said "No, Science." After that I did not say a word to her.... But come on, just because I was wearing pink tights, that does not disqualify me from being a science major at Kelkar college..... So what if I was not the typical soda glass type (there I become judgmental now..... but that's what I was led to believe!!!) ??

Another instance was a little more recent... Two years back I was in India attending my sister's wedding. My aunt wanted someone to write Amol n Anu's names on the karanjis. I said I would do it and I ended up writing the names in Marathi. My other aunt who happened to be there at the same time was soooooooo surprised that I could write in Marathi.... I really wanted to say, "I am not illiterate, I lived in India for most of my life and I had read Swamy, Radheya, Pu.La and Va.Pu for many years in school". Of course I did not say that and told myself that she was just proud of me and that was a way of expressing admiration!!!!!


Soumil said…
That struck a chord sumwhere ! Short and crisp writing mate ! I have had such weird(i wouldn't call dem horrible..because i hardly cared) experiences of being stereotyped too ! Keep writing nd visit my blog sumtime

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