Google exits China

Found this interesting article on Time. Ethics, ethics, ethics!!! Should you do the right thing or not, especially when not really asked for?? As they say "The right solution is usually the hardest"!!! To censor or not to censor is the question. Let's try role playing: Google's standpoint is probably freedom of expression... rather Internet freedom of expression, no censorship. China's govt: You want to do business in our country, you gotta follow our rules. Microsoft's standpoint: Google doesn't want to do it?? Great!!! We'll do it :-) If you won't do it, we certainly will!!! Who doesn't want some more money?? I am sure Google was not really hoping their competitors to support their stand and not take advantage of the situation. Whatever the analysts and the investors might say I think Google should be proud!!!! I mean, yes we all love money, but you gotta have some principles, some strong opinion about something... If it's not privacy, I am glad it's at least censorship.


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