Can't believe

Can't believe that I have become this person!!! Someone who doesn't want classes to be canceled because of bad weather and someone who plans work for the next week (which is Spring break) before the break begins..... Obviously I used to love canceled classes because of heavy rains back home when I was in school and college. I remember the first Spring break at Tulane.... I was at Universal Studios in LA (thanks to Karthik)..... The second year I went to India for Anu's wedding. During the third year I was sitting in my lab, scratching my head over some pointers that had decided not to cooperate at all and finally I called a friend to ask for help..... Vipin says to me on the phone, "You are coding???? I am at a parade"..That's when it dawned on me that it was Mardi Gras time!!!!! And that was the beginning of it I think!!! And then every year there was something or the other. Every time they say bad weather in Lawrenceville, I am thinking how am I going to rearrange my schedule to cover everything that I put in the syllabus??? And breaks have now become times to catch up with grading, reading papers, completing work in progress papers, new project meetings and whatever else I can fit in there..... Man!!! growing up sucks :-(


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