
Last weekend brought three educators together, Jam, Christine and I.... Obviously we all had to talk about our students.... I always feel that students don't want to read these days. They want me to tell them what is important for the exam and that's it. Not that I was a great student myself, but I loved to read and I loved some subjects. The others I knew I had to work hard if I had to scrape through. So one way or the other I worked hard. Most of my colleagues happen to think that students today can't read for too long and their attention span is too short, maybe 20 minutes. I strongly believe that today's generation is a twitter generation. More than 140 characters to convey something and you have lost them... completely!!!! With all the tweeting and texting that they do, they have no value for any kind of details.... Get to the point and get through it quickly!!!!

Every time I have these conversations with my colleagues I kind of feel lost. I am always somewhere in the middle. I do have a twitter account and I check and update it regularly. But I follow CNN and Time and a few friends, not Paris Hilton... But I do have to agree that I find it easier to check twitter for breaking news rather than actually visit CNN's website. Does make it easier and saves a lot of time :-) Well, what can I say??? I am open minded :-) I guess I have to be, I teach about technology!!!


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