M.J's Demise

M.J's death, its coverage and his funeral have sparked quite a few reactions. I recently saw a friend's comment on Facebook. I am not quoting her here, but it said that he was a pervert and did not deserve the attention he was getting, especially when so many soldiers are dying for our country. Well, everyone has an opinion... I just thought it was odd to call him a pervert when the law had found him innocent of all the charges. I did not follow his case and don't know what really happened, but I do know that he was an icon, especially in the 80's and 90's. I do not remember a single school gathering or fancy dress competition where an 8 year old was not dressed up as MJ and did not try to Moonwalk.... According to me he was a public figure, a singer and a performer, who was great at what he did and well... deserves the attention. Whether he was guilty or not is debatable (I am sure many people believe that he was guilty), but let's just show some faith in our judicial system and let the great performer rest in peace!!!


Mishra DK said…
Whether he is MJ or any one else.. no one is perfect. After all we are human beings..
We are concerned about what they are giving us.. about MJ a beautiful musical world.. so respect his talent and be happy. If he has done some thing else.. surely God will give the opportunity to pay for it.

We make people celebrity, and we try to look at them using a magnifying glass 24/7. Magnifying glass does magnify the dirty things also...

We give them so much of attn that we spoil them.

I think we should not dig into their personal life so much.
Let our celebrities do the good work for Page 1 and lets not search for them every day at Page3.

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