Song again!!!

Has a song ever been stuck in your mind for days??? Its been a long time since I have had a chance to relax and think about music, but it used to happen to me frequently. Anyways, I was flying to Vegas and listening to दिल के अरमां आसुओं में बह गए । As I was listening to the song I remembered that I saw Nikaah when I was a kid. I did not understand the movie, it was too long and serious for me, I was totally bored. I hated Raj Babbar, he was never a typical, good-looking, dancing, fighting hero. I didn't like Salma Aagah nor her nasal singing. I would have never thought that so many years later I would actually have 2 songs from that movie on my iPod!!!! Anyways, the pilot announced that we were beginning our descent into the Las Vegas area and we had to switch all electronic devices off. Just as I turned off my iPod the few lines that I was listening to stuck in my mind. Its been 4 days and I can't get it off my mind. So I ahd to get them off somewhere. Obviously I can't sing, so I have to write them here.... Here they go (Can I say "Enjoy!!"??? It's a sad song.. sad but beautiful)

शायद उनका आखरी हो ये सितम
हर सितम ये सोच कर हम सह गए
हम वफ़ा कर के भी तनहा रह गए
दिल के अरमाआसुओं में बह गए


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