What's been happening?

It's been really long since I blogged...... Not that nothing's happening. A lot is happening actually, one of the reasons why I haven't had time to reflect and type. Spring semester ended, I thought I was going to take a nice 3 week break, but exciting things keep happening at work (a great advtg of working at a start-up school!!!). So basically, I didn't even realize when summer began (thank God for Anu n Amol... we owe a nice long weekend to them!!) and this semester is just flying... 3 more weeks and I will be done with the summer semester... Condo search has been great... Saw a beautiful 1913 historical bldg in downtown, but I think living in downtown Atlanta might be a bit of a stretch... no matter how high. Hopefully, during the rest of the summer I should be able to get some internships for us and be able to prepare for another new course for Fall and present two papers at my Las Vegas conference.... And if I did not mention India trip in Summer.... add that to the list too!!!! phew!!!

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my bright leg warmers that I got from.... where else??? Sock market @ Pier 39 :-) Love that place!!! Always cheers me up.. Well, tons of things cheer me up actually....


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