What my mom taught me

A friend recently forwarded me a message "25 Reasons I Owe My Mom". I am not a big fan of forwards and many times delete such msgs without reading. But I read this one and it was funny. I will not go through the 24 reasons here, but do want to mention the last point in that email, because it is just perfect. Loved it.

25. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE. 'One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.'


sliver said…
Was just blog hopping and came across this one... the first thing that caught my attention was your favourite books! Ayn rand being my favouritest..!and then the "my experiments with truth" also "the godfather"...
those posts are all worth a read... and "mala pan hapoos mangoes khup awadtat...lol"

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