The simple pleasures of a Dekhane life

Although the heat and the dust will drive you crazy, everybody still loves to visit home... More so if your parents are Shri and Snehal Dekhane..... Man, I can't remember why I left this life in the first place... You get up in the morning, somebody gives you a glass of chickoo milkshake, then you laze around, surfing on the Web and what not until lunch time, when you get a lovely home cooked meal and you don't even have to get up from your place if you don't wish to.... Every time you get out of the house, the rickshaw is right outside waiting for you and you don't have to think about the cost when buying something... Dad never says no :-) Fruits peeled, sliced, diced, served in a bowl with spoons and forks and everyone worried about how you are doing, and if you are tired because you had to go out in the heat (in a rickshaw) and wait in the AC waiting room at the dentist's office..... Ah!!! the simple pleasures of a Dekhane life.....


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