अवघा रंग एकची झाला

That was the play that I saw yesterday with my parents..... This is the best part of visiting mom n dad.... Never waste time watching a Hindi movie, but spend a lot of time chit-chatting, relaxing, watching Marathi plays, etc... And Marathi plays are really good. Every time I visited India I have seen one... सुन्दरा मना मध्ये भरली, another one that I saw last time (can't remember the name, but it was amazing with गोंधळ, लावणी, नाट्य संगीत, etc.) And this one, it was a really cool संगीत नाटक. I especially loved the really handsome peshwa types looking lead actor :-)

The best part was visiting गडकरी रंगायतन.... THe place is still the same... The beautiful hand woven curtain with mirrorwork and peacocks... still exactly the same. A few mirrors shining here and there.... Those few shining mirrors in different corners used to always fascinate me as a kid, they resembled twinkling stars.... How many times have I visited that place... ever since I was a kid I have been a frequent visitor at Gadakari... And I love it more than Shivaji Mandir... maybe because of the curtain.. I don't know...

Anyways yesterday was a wonderful day!!! My trip was worth it after all...


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