Sex and the City... The Movie

I finally saw the movie today... Don't ask me why, I just had to. As I was watching the first half, the wedding preparations, I was thinkng, this is not going to happen.... He is not going through with it... And then when I saw the wedding scene I was like, I knew he would do that. She is really stupid to ever think he was going to get married. So why did she spend so many years of her life on this loser???? And the answer to that I think is very simple.... It is love, hope, faith, trust.... whatever you want to call it, but basically its the heart taking over the brain... For my GGC 1000 class, the students had to make a presentation on their favorite inspirational quotes. One of my students' quote was "Stand up for something, or else you will fall for everything". She spoke about how her boyfriend mistreated her and she let him, until one day when she realized it was not worth it and stood up for herself and left him... But the way she presented it was really nice (especially for a Freshman student). She asked all the female students what they would do if their boyfriend physically abused them, belittled them, etc. While most of the girls in class said they would leave the guy, one girl said "You should not, but you may..." (The question was would you stay with the guy...) And I don't know if this happens only to women or are even men sometimes so "blind" in love??? As the end of the movie revealed Carrie finally did marry Big... Why?? Towards the end of the movie she tells Big that they were so happy before they decided to live happily ever after..... And it sort of seemed like a lame excuse to me. Maybe they don't need to get married to stay happy... that's great for them!!! But the fact that the guy gave up on you at the most important point of your life, did not keep up a commitment, what does that say??? Understood that he was uncomfortable, but at least a decent thing to do would have been to talk to her, tell her and face all the guests and explain it to them... not leave her alne at the altar to take care of all the mess... Why would she want to marry a guy like this????
I bet it's hope... Hope that if she did things his way he would not leave her!!! But I wouldn't bet on that....


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