
A few months ago I was watching an interview of a journalist (don't remember her name..) who said she was so used to typing that she couldn't write with a pen anymore. I remember thinking that's just dumb, how can you forget how to write and other such things......And now I am experiencing the same thing... Not that I cannot write, but my writing just stinks big time.....When I was in school my handwriting was decent, not award winning but nice enough...In the past 7 years I have hardly written anything....I sit in a meeting with my laptop and am typing down notes as fast as I can.....If I ever have to use a marker in my class, that's it.....I hate it. First of all the white boards are a little high, so I cannot make the best use of it...I use only the bottom one-third of the board :-( and then when I write, my handwriting is legible but not good and I feel an uneasiness while writing, as if I am just starting to learn how to write.....Makes me feel terrible. O!!! that reminds me of Dr. Pillai from Ideal classes....He has the best hand writing that I have ever seen. He would start writing from the top left corner of the green board and continue all the way up to the bottom right.....in straight lines (which I can never do!!!! urghhh!!!) I remember sitting in his class and thinking maybe I should ask him to make his own stencils and use them to improve my handwriting...He was really good.

Anyways, my problem still continues to exist...maybe I should stop writing my blog and go back to hand-written diary, or maybe keep a backup of my blog as a hand-written journal :-)


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