
Some psycho shot 8 shoppers in a mall and then killed himself.....CNN and other news channels are busy covering it all day long and they will keep talking about it for the next 10 days....Seriously, these news channels really need to get global.....The same thing happened during Virginia Tech incident. For at least 2 weeks all that I could see on web sites and TV was the image of that depressed kid with two guns/rifles (whatever!!!) in his hand. And I am thinking to myself why on earth would you publish and re-publish such images and give out the details of how he got the guns??? To encourage other depressed/dejected/rejected individuals to do the same?? Don't you think you are glorifying the wrong idea? That is exactly what this mall shooter did. His suicide note said he wanted to go "in style".....So he decided to go into a mall right during holidays and shoot 8 innocent people.

For a long time I used to think that human life was not valued enough in India and after the 9/11 tragedy I would always have these arguments with Arun about how Americans did not forget about all those people and especially the rescue workers for so many years. Given the magnitude of that tragedy, that argument was correct, but it looks like he was right....The same cannot be said about all the other incidents that get media coverage....After my dissertation I was interviewing at a couple of places and ended up catching CNN news at different hotels over a period of couple of weeks....For almost 2 weeks all that I saw every day was the whole Paris Hilton saga....For days all that CNN was showing was Paris Hilton crying vehemently in the cop car and then later walking (sorry, strutting...) out of jail.

I guess CNN does not have enough stuff to air...They should probably take a page out of Indian news (as far as I remember) and talk about other nations (other than Iraq)!!!!


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