Is "Charchaughi" dated?

We had an opportunity to watch "Charchaughi" today. This is an amazing Marathi play, probably 18 years old and was put together by a few local artists today in Atlanta. They did a pretty good job with it. I was probably in my 12th grade or first year of engineering when I first saw the play. There were a few things that I remember about the play. I remember that it was progressive. Maybe it was controversial/shocking, but I think Marathi plays cannot be compared to Marathi cinema or to Bollywood. It caters to a niche audience that I want to say categorized the play as progressive and not sensational (at least I hope they did). I remember that Deepa Lagoo did an amazing job (I can't believe that I went backstage and told her that she was great in the play. Of course she was great. She didn't need my stamp!!! But I had to say it). I also remember Vandana Gupte's long monologue in the play (where she is speaking on the phone). And finally I remember Alok's dialogue, "You want my head on Viren's shoulders"!!! 

The first thought that crossed my mind today was "Is this play dated?". In early 90's it was progressive. But almost 2 decades later, maybe most women will not be able to relate to it. But as I was watching the play today I constantly kept thinking about how progressive the play is. And I also constantly kept thinking about how I didn't blink an eyelid when I saw it 15 years ago. It's interesting what growing up has done to me. It's made me realize how naive and idealistic I have always been. When I was younger I used to think that this is the direction in which we are moving. I used to think that at least urban population is warming up to these slightly uncommon ideas of women's liberty and gender equality. Today I felt that even after 18 years this play is still very progressive. The issues are the same, the law is the same, society's outlook is the same. Women might be more educated and might be making more money today, but that does not mean that they are free or are treated well. 

I don't necessarily endorse all the ideas in the play. Monogamy is an important value according to me. Adultery is impermissible....  whether by a man or a woman. And that's where the problem is. That when two people are involved in something that the society considers is wrong, why is it that only one of them has to live with the consequences?


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