Cold Feet

We were watching Up In The Air last night and the sister's wedding scene got me thinking... Why do men get cold feet at their wedding?? What does that say about the guy?? Some possible answers include:
  1. the guy cannot handle responsibility and wants to avoid it
  2. the guy is indecisive and flaky
  3. the guy proposed for the wrong reasons in the first place
  4. the guy is a coward??? (seems a little too strong, but possible!!! maybe scared is more appropriate... just so that we don't insult someone :-))
Any of these reasons just by themselves should be enough to give the brides some jitters.... I mean seriously, if you are marrying a guy who decides to bail out (or thinks about bailing out) on you at the last minute, how can you hand over your life to him??? Shouldn't it be the women who get cold feet???


Shreyas said…
Just as men, women do get cold feet too!!
Runaway Bride...remember??

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