Terrible Day

I am sick to my stomach... caught a student cheating on test today... It just made me so furious.... After all the time that I spent on that class... aaarrrrgggghhh!!!! When I confronted him he owned it and said he had never done it before and this was his only chance to college and I felt really bad for reporting him to the Dean and giving him a 0 on the test, because of which I know he will fail this course and it will affect his academic standing... And I feel so terrible... It feels like I am the bad person ruining this student's life....

But I need to have a broader view... There are two students in my class who have some type of disability and they are trying very hard to do well in this class (not just pass...). There are students in my class who work full time and study, some of them even have kids... If all these students can try to do their best in this class, there is no excuse why anyone else should try and cheat... no matter how panicked you are about taking a test and about passing the class to stay in school.

Although I feel terrible about what this student may have to go thru because I reported him, I think it is his responsibility to think of the consequences before doing something like this. And it is my ethical responsibility to report him.... even though I know I am not going to be able to sleep for a few nights!!!


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