
I was attending this faculty panel discussion specifically for early career faculty and one of the faculty members on that panel said how it usually takes long time to get appreciated for what you do for your students. He was trying to say that most teenagers don't realize that we are trying to help them until much later and many times he receives emails thanking him from students years after they graduate... At the end of that discussion he added "Sometimes that appreciation never comes..." And in my experience also it is very true... Whenever I had discussions with my colleagues about my classes, there were some who always told me that I was too strict and although it was good, that could affect my course evaluations... Since we are in a teaching college, obviously evaluations are most important and such comments from more experienced colleagues did worry me a bit... But I could never compromise on my principles and what I thought was correct.... Eventually when at the end I saw my evaluations, I was relieved. Appreciation came quite soon (touchwood!!!)... This was one of the comments on my evaluations...

"She is a very nice teacher who is orgainized and cares about students.GGC should be thankful for her (1 Count)"


Anushree said…
Great going sis.... Proud of u.... as always!!!!! Love u!!!
goldendekhane said…
Thank you dear.... Just an update, those evaluations also had this comment that I don't care about: "I hate that I miss the quiz if I am 5 mins late..." :-)

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