The Jane Austen Book Club

Saw this cutesie movie over the weekend about 6 friends forming a Jane Austen book club, each reading one book.... YES!!! A chick flick, completely girlie....but very cute, very sweet movie.... While watching the movie I decided I was going to buy all 6 books and read them. I have read only 2 (Pride and Prejudice and Emma) and yes I have seen Sense and Sensibility/Kandukondein Kandokondein, but movies don't count and I do not own any JA books.... That reminds me, I still haven't finished reading the book Hitler. I think it's going to take ages to finish that book. And every time I decide to read the book, I am reminded of all the papers I need to read for my next project..... But have to do something about that book.....My wishlist on Shelfari is getting longer, while the list of books that I have read is at a standstill!!!!! I think if I had an entire lifetime to read books and do nothing else, I would still die leaving behind a long To Read List.


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