Earth Hour

I hope you all participated in the Earth Hour. Atlanta was a participant and I decided to play my part. So turned the power in my apt off from 8-9 pm and enjoyed some music on my iPod... For those of you who don't know what earth hour is, this is an event that Sydney started last year. In 2007 Sydney decided to cut power off (coal being the biggest environment destroyer) for an hour thereby reducing some 10% of its energy consumption..... In 2008 this became a global movement with many cities participating in the event, Atlanta being one of them (Check out the pic!!!). Individuals, businesses and cities can sign up and pledge support. Of course, there are many other small things that we can do every day to save our planet, like unplugging all our electrical devices when not in use......Go to Earth Hour to sign up and spread the word....... Green Is Universal!!!


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