South Carolina results

Some time back I also wrote a post about Bobby Jindal's run for the Governor's post in Louisiana. The same thing happened again in South Carolina last week, a southern (and Republican) state faced with the difficult question of choosing from either a white female or a black male (a.k.a. Hillary vs. Obama)..... And they chose Obama, which I thought was surprising. I thought a southern state would rather go for Hillary who has the support of her hubby Bill than vote for Obama. I think Obama has successfully portrayed himself as the change that America needs so badly. So much so that a southern Repblican state like South Carolina sees a record breaking primary turn out and then choose Obama by a huge margin. If I am not wrong this has been his biggest victory over Clinton so far. He is really good and charismatic, but I still want Hillary to be the next Prez. No....Not because she is a woman, but because I completely support her Universal Health Plan..... I really want her to win so that we can have a universal health plan... It must be hard to convince people who do not even know what is good for them....And harder to change policies when the entire medical, drug and health insurance industries have vested interests in not having universal plan. So....more power to her...and vote for Hillary!!!


Radial Basis said…
Well Universal Health Plan is not exactly a good to have, at least not in its entirety. UHP combined with partial private healthcare may be another choice

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