Old Friends

I always try to have fun wherever I go. I never miss India when I am here and I never miss US when I am back back home..... But every once in a while I think of all the things I used to do (that's where this blog comes in picture)..... Last night I had this dream that I was sitting with all of my school friends somewhere that looked like Dombivli railway station's huge bridge and I was having fun..... Some of the faces that I saw in that dream were not even my close friends.... But seriously school days were the best of my life. For 3 years (8th, 9th and 10th) I was in an all girls class. Now you can imagine the cat fighting and back biting that might have occurred. Even then I had a very good connection with almost everyone in that class room. We used to have so much fun together, never study, always play games (or fill scrap books when we were in 10th), always ahead in ALL extra curricular activities (no wonder all my teachers were surprised when I scored really well in my 10th).....we were a group of 10-12 girls who used to always hang out together, sit right in front (most of us were short :-)) and still not pay attention !!!! We were always to be seen everywhere, especially Teacher's day, Annual Function, Flag hoisting, monitoring classes, making picnic arrangements and what not......No wonder the back benchers hated us.... So many more things..OH!!!! hard to put it in words.....everybody would come to my house for everything , from dance practice to just enjoying the rain and having mom's coffee.....

Even after we all got out of school, we would get together for each others' birthdays. Then I went to engineering school and the visits were less frequent, then I moved to Thane and he visits stopped, only phone conversations existed and then eventually I moved to the US and no contact with anyone except for one from that close knit group..... I wish I could get in touch with Minal, Devika, Poonam, Sindhu,..........


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