Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies

Thanx to a nice friend I was able to get scholarship when I left India for my higher studies. That scholarship paid for my one way ticket to the USA and although I was not in a situation that if I hadn't got that money I wouldn't have made it, but it did help me a lot, or rather it helped my self esteem a bit....Not having to ask my parents for the money, definitely made me feel better, what with all the middle class background and 22 year old girl going alone (instead of getting married!!!!) emotional pressures from outsiders (Thank God for my parents!!!). Anyways, long story short the scholarship was good....and eventually I was able to obtain an updated list of all such trusts in Mumbai that give scholarships to students going abroad for higher education. I am providing that list here for everyone who wants to use it. Remember one thing, most of these are Parsi trusts and their goal is to fund as many students as possible. So if you get funded from one trust, you won't get funded from others....they all share information about applicants. So make sure you apply to ALL the trusts. Just to make sure everyone considers you....Because the competition is tough. At least it was in 2001. You do need to submit quite some paper work with your applications and applying to all of them can be quite time consuming. I remember sometime in summer 2001 Mehul and I walked all over Mumbai for 2 complete days applying at different places. It was worth it though. If anything's missing then they can tell you right there, instead of snail mail. The use of email was limited and they have too many applications to answer to your queries by email. Being physically present always helps. The list is current, but I typed it out from a scanned image that I received, so it could have typos (I thot some of the names weird/wrong, but haven't changed them myself). I hope you find it useful. You can find it here


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