Forgive and Forget???

Is it possible to forgive and forget??? Ideally that's what you are supposed to do, especially if you love your own peace of mind.....but is it as easy to do as it is to preach??? I once read this quote in the Chemistry dept at Tulane. It said "People will forget what you said to them, they will forget what you did to them but they will never forget how you made them feel"

I totally agree. I can very easily forgive, but does not mean I am going to forget it....Depending on the gravity of the wrong doing I might not really be able to forget, meaning I will never ever repeat my mistake.... Once bitten, twice shy!!!!!


Kevin McCalmon said…
1. Forgiving is allowing another person to be human for faults, mistakes, or misdeeds. Forgetting is putting these behind you; they are no longer brought up and no longer remain a barrier to your relationship.
2. Forgiving is letting another know that there is no grudge, hard feelings, or animosity for any wrongdoing. Forgetting is the lack of further discussion, with no ongoing negative references to the event.
3. Forgiving is letting the other person know that you accept as genuine the remorse and sorrow for actions or words that hurt or disappointed you. Forgetting is promising that this deed, whether of omission or commission, will not be brought up again.
4. Forgiving is accepting the sincerity of penance, sorrow, and regret expressed over a grievous personal offense; making it sufficient to clear the air. Forgetting is your commitment to let go of anger, hurt, and pain over this offense.
5. Forgiving is giving a sign that a person's explanation or acceptance of blame for a destructive, hurtful, or painful act is fully accepted. Forgetting is the development of a plan of action between the two of you to heal the scars resulting from the behavior.
6. Forgiving is the highest form of human behavior that can be shown to another person. It is the opening up of yourself to that person to be vulnerable to being hurt or offended in the future, yet setting aside this in order to reopen and heal the channels of communication. Forgetting is equally as high a human behavior; it is letting go of the need to seek revenge for past offenses.
7. Forgiving is the act of love between you and a person who has hurt you; the bandage that holds the wound together long enough to heal. Forgetting is also an act of love; in rehabilitation therapy, helping the wounded return to a full, functional, living reality.
goldendekhane said…
I totally agree.. It's just hard to do... For me, personally, I can say "I understand this was a mistake and I forgive you", but I am probably never again trusting the person with anything. So I won't carry a grudge, but I will also not take a risk and let them fool me twice....

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