With Love to Locks of Love
I have been growing my hair for the last one year so that I could donate it and finally I did!!!!! I chopped off most of my hair this morning and it is now on its way to Locks of Love. This is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to children under 18 suffering from hair loss (based on financial need). It's very simple to donate your hair and that's the least I could do. At least my hair will grow back (maybe in 2 years time...) If you wanna know more check the official web site www.locksoflove.org If you donate 10 inches or more, some little gal will get a nice hairpiece, if you donate 6-8 inches of hair they can sell it to cover their manufacturing costs. google for participating salons and you might end up getting a discount or even a free haircut. If you are in New Orleans, the Paris Parker salon on Tulane's campus is a participating salon. You might wanna get your friends in on this.....Growing your hair together and then donating it can be one more great memory for later!!!