The child in me

In December 2010 when we visited San Francisco (yes... again!!) I found these amazing boots in a shop at Union Square. S always laughs when I wear them and I love them, so I wear them every weekend :-). I am happy that even my shoes can bring a smile to his face. When I bought them Anu said, she thought she was too old for them... And I agree!! Age wise I am too old for them too..... But I still love them. They remind of my childhood back home when in the rainy season everyone would buy those rainy sandals. You could also butythese tall rainy boots, typically called gumboots and they came in 2 colors. Boys usually wore black and girls wore red. The red shoes always attracted me, but mom thought they weren't feminine enough and I always got (Beautiful!!) rainy sandals. So when I saw these shoes in the window of that shop I had to buy them and wear them. It usually pours in SF, but not so much in Atlanta. But what the heck!!! I like them, so I wear them every chance I get. Somehow I have this weird funny shoes and socks fetish that is always at its peak when I visit SF. I have sneaker socks, fish socks, bright orange leg warmers and woolen booties (yes... that's what they call them) that I bought from the Sock Market in SF. Anu has categorically refused to gift me $20 socks for any occasion. 

I think it's important to keep the child in me alive and not let it sleep under the pressures of day-to-day life. So, of course I can't wear these shoes to school and I am not the kind of professor who cracks jokes in class and entertains everyone... I like to maintain a line between the students and me. How I behave with my colleagues and students is very different from how I behave with my family and friends (I think that applies to everyone)... So its all the more important that I have an outlet in my personal life to let this little child go crazy every once in a while!!


Shreyas said…
I love those boots too!!

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