
Hapa is the Hawaiian word for "half" and was once a derogatory term. It has since transformed into a word used to describe a person of mixed Asian or Pacific Islander racial heritage. On our visit to Chicago's Natural History Field museum we saw this beautiful exhibit of Kip Fulbeck's "The Hapa Project". The theme of this project was "What are you". 1200 people were photographed. They answered this question in their own words and many answers were very touching. More details about the project, book and exhibitions can be found here . I just wanted to share this innocent little boy's answer to the question. He says "I am part Chinese and part Danish.I don't usually tell people that I am Danish though, because they think I am a pastry" :-). This exhibition made me feel really warm and nice. It made me feel as if the whole world is gelling together, you can't really differentiate among people anymore based on their looks... maybe...