
I am attending the IEEE Frontiers in Education conference and am just mortified by all these people sitting around me at lunch. Today is the first day and the conference organizing committee made a huge blunder by scheduling 2 keynote speakers at the lunch. OK IEEE.... 40 years organizing this conference and how do you do this? You invite these wonderful speakers, give them awards and ask them to speak when everybody is busy eating and talking. I don't know if the guy could even hear himself speak, because all that I could hear was murmur and knives and forks clashing!!! It was embarrassing. I was hoping the speaker (who was very well known and was saying some really good things about active learning and project-based learning) would not look up, because no one was paying attention. Everyone's head was down in their plates or they were busy conversing with others at the table. The lady at my table was talking for 5 minutes about how it was so noisy in there. I wanted to scream and ask her to shut up!!! I understand that lunch time is a wrong time to schedule a keynote, but now that it's already done and you are sitting there, at least show some respect to the speaker, who by the way is your peer!!!

I couldn't stand the whole mockery and left after the first speech. I need to find a suggestion box at this conference. These people are so hearing from me!!


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