To Build Or Not ?

The mosque "near" ground zero debate has been heating up for quite some time now. Every morning when driving to work, I get an update from NPR. Every evening at the gym I get an update from CNN. And obviously S loves to play devil's advocate on every issue... including this!!! So yes I agree to the constitutional right, I agree that this is not a religious war and tolerance is important.

I have seen and heard a lot of people of various colors and religions speak in favor of building this community center. I would like to hear one Muslim say that maybe we should be sensitive towards the victims of 9/11 and step back and think about this a little. That's all I want. Maybe it's the media coverage that's deceptive. I am sure there are people who think this way, but I haven't heard it and it's hard for me to pick that side. I don't want to support the other side either. I just want someone to show some sensitivity for me to feel good about supporting this issue (even if it's just for an argument's sake).


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