The Last Lecture
Carnegie Mellon University had a last lecture series for professors: "If you had to give one last lecture before you died, what would it be?". Randy Pausch was a professor of computer science and human computer interaction and design at CMU. His last lecture was truly a last lecture, he was dying of pancreatic cancer. His lecture was titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams". This is a very inspirational speech and every person (techie or not) should see this video.
Randy Pausch passed away in 2008. He was a big name in virtual reality and created a 3D programming environment called Alice geared towards attracting girls to computer science. I had heard about this video, but never saw it until Fall 2009, when I invited NN to be a guest speaker in my class and she brought this up. I have seen this video a number of times since then and I love it.
Obviously I love the lessons:
Randy Pausch passed away in 2008. He was a big name in virtual reality and created a 3D programming environment called Alice geared towards attracting girls to computer science. I had heard about this video, but never saw it until Fall 2009, when I invited NN to be a guest speaker in my class and she brought this up. I have seen this video a number of times since then and I love it.
Obviously I love the lessons:
- Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things. They are meant to keep the "others" (those who don't want them badly enough) away
- When you are screwing up and nobody is saying anything to you anymore... that means they gave up
But most of all I loved his deathbed conversion to Macintosh!!!! Watch this video if you can and if you are like me keep some Kleenex handy :-)