How unkempt is really unkempt???

I am kind of an order freak.... Everything in the house has to have a place and everything has to be in it's place.... Stuff has to be done as soon as it needs to be done. When I was living by myself I used to always wonder, how come people are always busy? don't have time to do anything?? I was doing a lot of stuff, working during and after work hours and on weekends, cooking, cleaning, trekking, watching movies and what not..... I was always volunteering for weekend on-campus activities... Whenever I visited Anu's place I would tease her about the dishes in her kitchen sink (and they would tease me about coming over to clean them :-)).... But as I realize now.... you can actually get busy!!! As I believed it's not bad time management :-) I have boxes lying all around the place.... One of the bedrooms is totally useless because the opened and flattened boxes are still lying there. The plastic bags separated for recycling have been lying around for a couple of weeks now... And I run the dishwasher a couple of times during the weekend!!!!! AND I am behind on grading, I haven't started my background research for next project and I am not doing the weekend open house on campus anymore... well, actually I am not complaining about the last one!!!

Sometimes I wonder if I am giving up on my "good" habits :-) But not really.....I am just picking my preferences/priorities..... Maybe it's not necessary to unpack all your boxes the exact weekend that you move... It's a hard idea to get used to, but I think I will get used to it :-)


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