Why I Recommend मी शिवाजीराजे भोसले बोलतोय

So I saw this movie with my cousins back home and recommend it to every Marathi speaking Maharashtrian.... It does have a protagonist who preaches more than I prefer, but the message is something I really believe in. I love the part where Shivaji Raje says: Don't blame outsiders for your bad situation. You are responsible for your stunted growth....

This reminds me of an incident at Louisiana Tech. One of my acquaintances (who was from north) once complained that all our Indian Association functions had tons of Telugu performances and none in Hindi. That was his reason for boycotting the functions, after all it was Indian Association not Telugu Association. I asked him why hadn't he ever participated in any of the events, choreographed or directed a performance or performed himself? That way we could have Hindi performances. If the non-Telugu speaking population was not going to participate, how can they blame others for doing what they like to do? I did make my point successfully, because the next thing I received was an invitation to Diwali function by a new club/association. Of course, that was not my point.... A new association, that invited selected students to a function and excluded others was not something I thought would happen. The point was if you want something stop complaining and blaming others and do something about it. Well, he did something about it, but not really the right thing in my opinion.

Anyways, if you are a Maharashtrian (Marathi speaking) and hate the Thacks politics, I think you will like this movie.


Fire and Ice!!! said…
100% with you on this one!! Still remember that incident and the whole mess it created!! Good lord, those were the days!! hehe.. hope u had great trip to India.. :)
Shreyas said…
I couldnt agree more with you!! BTW, very well written blog, nice composition...
Fire and Ice!!! said…
really enjoyed this movie today.. and you are right : Don't blame outsiders for your bad situation.. you are responsible for your own stunted growth.. fight for what is yours.. don't just assume its yours and will always be..

it was nice change of movie.. hey.. i don't know if you have watched "crash" but I am sure you will enjoy "Y.M.I - Yeh Mera India"..
goldendekhane said…
Yes.. I absolutely loved Crash... Everything from the concept to the screenplay!!!! Will certainly try to see YMI.

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