James Carville Teaching at Tulane

Bill Clinton's lead strategist James Carville was at Tulane's commencement ceremony last year.... That's another thing about Tulane... great connections. We had Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr. for 2006 commencement, Brian Williams for 2007 and James Carville for 2008. Not to forget that Bill Clinton and Al Gore have been guest speakers in the past.

Apparently James Carville has now moved to New Orleans and as I found out from the almuni yearbook, he is now a professor of practice in the Political Science department. His course is “The 2008 Presidential Election”... I think that's an interesting course... I would have certainly taken the course if I was there :-) I think he is great!!!

Unfortunately, EECS at Tulane never managed to bring in their celebrity alum, David Filo :-(


Mishra DK said…
I think you know the following ..

As a philanthropist, in 2005 he donated $30 million to his alma mater, Tulane University, for use in its School of Engineering.

goldendekhane said…
yes. he did that the year I joined Tulane (2004). But we never had him as a guest speaker...

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