No Time For Anything!!!

I have been running in and out of classes and meetings all week long. If I am not in a class or a meeting, I am in my office talking to students or on the phone. Last week was so crazy that on Friday I wore brown shoes because I was planning on wearing brown pants and only after getting to school I realized that I wore dark grey pants!!!! hahahaha... I know.... One of my older students was trying to convince me that my gold top was earth tone and so were my shoes, so I was fine :-) For the first time I am behind on grading (Oh... I hate that!!!!)... But I am happy, we are making progress in class.... I made my freshmen students do a search on hard disks (how to buy one online....) And they were all happy that now they won't go to Best Buy and spend double the money for anything !!!!!! Yeah... Some of those kids are really sweet...

And finally the Asian Awareness Week planning is coming along great.. Hopefully we'll have a great week... If only we could screen a Desi movie for free.... Damn those copyrights !!! I know I shouldn't be saying that, but we have already spent our money on so many other necessary things. The only reason I took on this Herculean task is because it's only herculean for me.... One of my weakness is my lack of leadership skill... I find it very hard to delegate work, I would rather do everything myself, even if that means killing myself over it... Gotta blame mama for it... She is a perfectionist and no matter what you do, you cannot meet her standards and she will end up doing things herself.... That was one of the reasons I decided not to go to Yahoo.... But now I decided I have to work on this, it's not a necessary skill in academics, but can be useful... So I decided to put myself in a situation that I am extremely unprepared for and uncomfortable in and finally managed to successfully delegate work. Hopefully we'll pull of this event (crossing my fingers....)!!! As if being the course co-ordinator of 8 colleagues was not enough for me !!! Anyways, we'll see how this semester goes. I think I will learn from this.

Hopefully I will have another great semester and a great year end (have so many hopes for this December!!! and no... not the wedding!!!!)


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