Cultural Shock

Some people have asked me if I experienced a cultural shock when I came here for the first time... Actually I never did... until I saw "Keeping Up with the Kardashians".... If you have never heard of this show or of Kim Kardashian, kudos to you... You are not missing anything... If you have heard of this show or of this gal then you probably know what I am talking about. So a quick review.... Kim Kardashian is one of those Paris Hilton types, famous for nothing, has a big rear end and had a sex tape scandal.... so basically, run of the mill, nothing special. She (or rather her family) has a reality show on E. Last Spring I happened to watch a marathon of her show (I know... kill me!!!) and that was the first time I came close to experiencing a cultural shock... And no not because of how they spoke at home (nothing but "f" words) or what they wore (barely anything), etc... but basically I learned that this girl was a model, her mom is her manager and gets 10% commission from the daughter's earnings and you have to read this carefully.... gets a Playboy cover shoot job for the daughter.... Now the daughter is trying to say that if I do this cover ppl will think that I am only good for such things n blah blah blah and the mom is actually convincing her to do a NUDE photoshoot for Playboy....... Can you believe that???


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