I dislike....

.... remixes!!!!! Seriously, why mend something that's not broken???? The one remix that I really hated was "neele neele ambar par" by Ruby Bhatia's husband (don't even remember his name...). I mean.. come on... how dare you sing a Kishore Kumar song???? Well, so as usual out of curiosity I wikied the origin of remixes and found out that Jamaicans are guilty of starting the trend...

There are only 2 remixes that I like:
  1. Bali Brahambhatt's Gabbar remix, mainly because it is a combination of many songs (a very good combination at that) and he made brilliant use of Gabbar's laughter!!!
  2. Bheegi Bheegi Raaton mein by Leslie Lewis, mainly because I love Leslie Lewis :-)


A.K.N said…
Well...I kinda disagree wid U on dis 1 !

Everything in this world is a perception 2 1`s own mind. So, a song created by 1, lyrics by 2 and sung by 3 may b interesting to some...but not to others.

So, if I fall in 2nd category and would like to make my own version of the song which fulfills my tastes, there is nothing wrong according to me.. I may not like some ***Kumar or *** Nigam`s style, but may be a fan of ** Kher and so would luv to hear the same song sung by different ppl with different styles !

wat say now :-)
goldendekhane said…
well, of course you may like whatever you like.... but why kill someone else's creation????? especially just because you know someone in the music industry, who will sponsor that.... Also most people who do this I think do not have creativity.... Changing someone else's work, is an easy way of making quick buck without putting in the effort.......

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