20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I read this book long time back when I was probably in the 3rd grade.... Sometime back Ashwin asked me how I liked this book and I was thinking... From what I remember I think it is a little cheesy... But I remember thinking that it was great of the author Julius Verne to write about submarines at that time.... Since I was not sure if submarines existed at that time or not, I decided to google it (how else do you do research these days ???)... So anyways, first I found out that the book was first published in 1870. Next I found out that first true submarines were built by US in 1890.... So, it's pretty amazing that Julius Verne should be writing about submarines in 1870.... But, the idea of submarines did exist before 1870. The idea was first conceptualized by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1578 as sketches. The first one was developed by a Dutch engineer in 1620.... and used oars. So the idea was around, just not materialized as in the book. Read more on submarines here.


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