Son of God

Just read one of the headline news on TOI where Mayawati said that Gandhi divided the nation on caste and that the term Harijan was unconstitutional. Are you serious? Do you even know the meaning of the word???? I would really like to know what these so-called leaders have done for the lower caste people other than of course exploiting them and stealing their money in all sorts of fodder scams and God knows what other scams......I think we should have a law as to who can give their opinion on Gandhi.....I am not particularly pro or anti Gandhi.....But he definitely did a lot for the common people of India and for our freedom. Mind you, I am not saying he was solely responsible for anything, but he had a huge hand. And all that most politicians after him did was to pillage our nation some more....He did more good than anyone else and I don't think anyone should be disrespectful. Of course we all have our opinions on everything and we have a right to express those opinions, but there are a lot of ways of saying the same thing and showing a little respect to others and some humility are common courtesy. You don't have to be Gandhi to show some courtesy/decency towards others.


ramki99 said…
It is the sad part of Indian dirty politicians that they interpret everything according to their convenience. The castism was there even before the British rule. Gandhiji divided the people of India into the affluent and Harijan. He never uttered the word Scheduled Caste or Tribe. He wanted all so called lower caste people to be on par with the so called upper caste people and hence called them "GOD's people" the true meaning of Haijans. Anyway what Mayawathi did for the unity of all castes ? Nothing. If only Indian politicians can stop abbusing others and work for the future of the Nation I am sure India will be the best country in the world to live. Let us hope that the next generation of politicians atleast will work in the right direction in the foot steps of Dr.Manmohan Singh and A.P.J.Abdul kalam .

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