
Showing posts from February, 2011

The God of Small Things

" It really began in the days when the Love Laws were made. The laws that lay down who should be loved and how. And how much. " I started reading the book again after more than 10 years and realized how sad it makes me even now. When I read the book the first time, I just loved the description of Kerala and I thought the book was very authentic, which is why it probably makes me sad. Although it is a fiction, it's not hard to believe that it could be a true story... even in 21st century India!! And that's really sad. I love this book though (although I am not crazy about Arundhati Roy's pursuits post this book...). It is very real and still very poetic. " If he touched her he couldn't talk to her, if he loved her he couldn't leave, if he spoke he couldn't listen, if he fought he couldn't win. " This one's worth many a reads!


One of the things that I completely admire about Amol is his enthusiasm for even the smallest things in life and appreciation of others. And I think the reason we get along so well is because I see some similarities among the two of us (great minds and all :-) OR Sagittarius qualities :-))... Yes, we are all very happy/satisfied and appreciate small things in life. But his reaction to everything seems very heartfelt every single time. For example, this morning I read his FB status about organ donation and I thought that most people would have said this is a good thing, but he said he was inspired by that person and knowing Amol I know that he is not exaggerating when he says that. It takes all kinds of people to make the world and I am sure we have all been around people who can complain about every small thing. Or worst, I have had the (dis)pleasure of knowing someone who could criticize and find fault with every human being that they met. In that light, knowing people who appreciate ...


Dear driver in front, If you are driving in the left(most) lane and not overtaking/passing any cars on the right, then please move to the right lane and let others pass. Thank you. Yours truly, Agitated left lane (fast) driver.